Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Challenge

After my last entry I decided to do a little research on what I could possibly do. Knowing myself, I figured I needed a plan that was stricter and more day by day oriented. Since the new year I've started writing everything down that eat, but that has proven not to be enough. I need something that will keep me in line and focused while MAKING me be patient.

So, I've decided on a six week plan of counting calories and going basically vegitarian. No more red meats like beef or pork. I'm only allowed lean meats like chicken and fish and since I don't like fish, chicken is my only option and I don't eat that everyday. More fruits and veggies are going to be put in my diet and less starchy and carb induced foods are being kicked out.

My plan is to MAKE myself do this for 6 weeks and at the end of the six weeks, if I've lost any weight I'll keep it going until I reach my goal. I think that having to write my calories down after every meal will not only be annoying but help with my impatience because I'll feel like I've accomplished something at the end of every day if I stay within my limit [1500].

And of course I'll keep track of it, week by week, here in my blog. I feel like a lot of people struggle accomplishing their weight goals because they are impatience for results. I'm hoping if anyone stumbles across this blog, it may help them.

I'll keep track of my progress in the side margin >>>

Keep reading to track my progress or follow along if you want to join in with me. I'll gladly accept distant diet buddies [an idea I got from something one of my closest friends Ash said] and let's see if I [or we] can fianally achieve that stubborn goal of weight loss!


  1. you need to remember though, that while counting calories is a good thing- you need to make sure you are getting the proper amount each day in order to remain energized... my suggestion is do yogurt with granola in the morning. NOTHING LOW FAT AS IT CONTAINS ASPERTAME WHICH IS REALLY REALLY BAD FOR YOU [it's in diet soda too and worse than having fat in your food] Eat boiled eggs and tuna as well if you can because the protein is something your body will really need. Try and stay away from soda or any sugary drinks--- WATER ONLY!! add some lemon to it, it works great! I have so many chicken recipes that you could totally eat it nearly every day and not really notice it's the same thing lol.... Hope this helps some!

  2. Wow really? I didn't know about that aspertame thing. And yep it did! Thanks!!!
