Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Classes and the Beginning of the Spring Semester

So, there is no quote because this is simply a continuation of my last entry since I've had my first day of classes.

I'm pretty excited, to say the least. This semester I'm taking two courses for my Writing major [Literature and Short Story], two for my Psych major {Intro to Psych and Cognitive Science], and finishing up my foreign language requirement with Spanish 212.

The writing classes are very typical. Although, in lit we're reading Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and a good amount of Hemingway which I love. They're two of my favorite classic authors. So, I'm very excited about that. In short story, we're writing four stories this semester so I'll definitely get my practice.

I'm really eager to get started on my Psych major. Both of my classes seem fairly straight foward and interesting. I heard CogSci was a beast. Hopefully it won't be that bad. In Psych we have to write one critical thinking paper from a list of topics and one of the topics is Child Care Attatchment and Development. I've never been excited about a paper before but I can't wait to dive into this especially since my focus is child development and such.

I had very negative feelings towards Spanish because of last semester but I like this professor so I think I'll enjoy Spanish more this semester. I'm ready to be done with it to be honest.

Overall, I feel as if this may turn out to be a good semester after all. I'm interested in all of my course topics so that'll definitley get me through it. I actually can't wait to get this semester going.

It's weird, but after these next 3-4 months, I'll be a junior in college. Crazy! Two more years after that I'll be done. Time sure does move fast. I think I'm starting to narrow down my options as far as post-college goes. I'll either go to grad school, work in childcare or social work, or start out at a magazine or freelancing. Either way, I'll figure it out.

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