Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10 on Tuesday and Eight Fears =]

Hello lovelies!

It is such a beautiful day here in Southern Indiana. The sky is super blue and the leaves are changing... it is just amazing.

Even more amazing is Linny's Vault 10 on Tuesday so let's do it!

Jason Aldean's new album is out today. Who cares if he cheated on his wife... NEW MUSIC!!! (Yep, I'm going to hell.

What was with the Cards last night?? Uh, hello? Did we forget how to bat or catch or run or, ya know play baseball? Hopefully they will play better tomorrow....

David Freese. Those two words can evoke instant orgasms.

I got two days off from work and it is AHHHHHMAZING!

Do any of ya'll have Thorntons gas stations? If you do, try their Bananas Fosters coffee, Seriously, it is heaven on your taste buds.

I finally went and bought a few new clothes. A shirt from Old Navy and two other shirts from Maurice's

I wore the shirt from Old Navy yesterday

Getting back into the dating world is weird. I feel like a writing major in a quantum physics class.

Who is going to see Luke Bryan in concert in January... uhhh this girl!

Senior pictures on Friday and I have no idea what to wear... problem? Maybe.

My last time registering for classes ever happens next week. It makes me want to cry. Where is my time going????

All right, time for my eight fears...

1. Death. Yes I know this is silly. But it's more the fear of being forgotten and not making the most of my time here that scares me.

2. Failure. I am so scared of failing at what I want to do.

3. Closed Spaces. Yep, I'm claustrophobic.

4. The dark. It kinda ties in with the being claustrophobic because it makes me feel closed in.

5. I don't know what to call this one, but I fear living a life without love, a.k.a dying alone with too many cats I guess. I just can't imagine never being married. Not because I think everyone should, but because that's personally what I want in my own life.

6. Politics. Have you seen these people running our government?? Yeah, it's pretty scary.

7. People I love dying. Once again, it'll only become more inevitable the older I get, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

8. My writing being crap. Nothing scares me more than finishing a novel and having someone read it only to say it's horrible.

Welp, there's my blogging for today. Until next time America... err I mean Bloggers!


  1. Love your shirt! I want to go shopping too!
    I am so scared of deep water! It is terrible!
    Have a lovely week!

  2. I hear ya on the last time ever registering for classes because I am in the same situation. I also fear death and it something I can't come to terms with. I have experienced a lot of loved ones dying from a very young age and I guess that is the reason as to why I fear death. I know it happens to everyone and everything dies. I am also claustrophobic and I can't put my head under the covers without panicking. LOL.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love your shit and I'm totally scared of dying too..
    I nominated you for a Liebster award! :) Check it out on my blog.

  5. 3. You're hilarious! There's something about baseball player that have always gotten me all hot & bothered. They're not the buffest dudes, but still very hot.
    4. Awesome! Hope you have had fun.
    6. Ooh I love that shirt. Too cute.
    10. I've been wondering where my time went for a long time...damn, I feel old.

    Thanks for linking up!
