Monday, May 7, 2012

The Beginning of the End

I am officially a senior!
Dreadful junior year is finally over... okay it wasn't that bad but still. This was a stressful year. Between a lot of money problems, two of my best friends being gone, and other friends flaking out on me, this year kinda sucked BUT I ended it with pretty good grades so it wasn't all bad. Just a lot of lessons learned.
I'm pretty excited for summer. I'm working part-time at the library again and am in the process of setting up a second job. I'm ready to build myself back up financially and working is the best way to do that. I'm getting an apartment with my former roommate/one of my best friends so I'll need the money plus I have a lot to save up for like some road trips, a car, and hopefully the summer writing program in Europe next year. It'll be my last chance to do it so I'm praying I have the funds this time plus it'll be after I graduate so that'll help with some money.
Also, I'm planning on writing my little hand off this summer because I'm going to send stuff out to magazines and journals like crazy. I have a year before the real world hits me hard and graduate school is looking less and less like a possibility so I need to build up that resume.
Needless to say, I have a busy summer ahead of me. Not to mention I'm going to St. Louis in a couple of weeks to see my baby brother graduate high school. Seems like yesterday it was me walking across that stage.
If anything, this year proved to me that you gotta fight for what you want. Don't sit around waiting for things to happen, go make them happen. Life is gonna push you around and you're nothing unless you push back. I lost a lot of friends this year, a few I considered some of my best, and I finally had to learn to do things on my own and rely on myself. I'm sad for the losses and wish them the happiest of lives just like I am going to pursue the happiest of lives for myself. This year proved who my TRUE friends are and it also proved that even people who you think are true can turn on you in a split second. I was forced to finally trust myself and do best for me. And everything that happened over this year has just contributed to the person I need to be.
All in all, I'm a better person because of it and I'm grateful for that. So, thank you to those people who were there when I needed them and stuck around no matter what. It meant a lot and I am forever grateful. Love you all.
Here's to the start of a wonderful summer! :)
p.s I may be changing to wordpress but not sure yet. So I'll keep you posted on any changes when they happen!

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