Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Letter to Myself

Outside of blogging, I also keep a personal journal that I write in old school style. Today I had some things on my mind so I wrote out a letter to myself of things that I've learned or picked up that I want my future self (and present, of course) to always remember. I'm sharing it here on my public blog because I was reading it, I thought maybe others could relate and may find some things to take away from it. Enjoy :)

Dear Future Self,

There are a lot of things I need you to remember if we are going to live a full, happy life. You can't be good enough for everyone nor can you please them. Live for you amd the people who love and deserve you will join in along the way. Be grateful for something everyday; it will keep you humble. Talk to those who love you each day; it will keep you grounded. You only get one body, take care of it. You're happiest when you're healthy. People come and go but the ones who are meant to be there always be there.  You are never given anything you can't handle. You were given this life because you are strong enough to lead it. Laugh always. Shrug off pointless stuff and cherish the big and small things that enrich your life. Especially the small things. Do what you love. Never settle for less. You always deserve better. Only keep those in your life who bring out the best in you. Life is too short to be anyone but the best possible version of yourself. Be at peace with the past and embrace the person it made you no matter how much heartache it may have taken. Forgive always, it frees you. Fall in love with your world and don't miss out on those beautiful imperfections each day brings. Define your own perfection instead of uses everyone else's definition. Love with your whole heart and never let it scare you. Love is always good. It's the things we fear that are most worth the risk. Sing in the shower; never be afraid to hear your own voice. Smile often even when you feel like frowning. Cry when your sad and vent when your mad; bottled emotions always backfire on you. Explore every opportunity that you can. Look forward to your somedays, live for the now, and cherish your yesterdays. Be kind; a good deed may make a whole world's difference to someone who needs it. Never judge. Mistakes are lessons learned and should never be dwelled upon. Dance in the rain or in the sun; the choice is always yours. Exercise contorl over what you must but accept when it's better to leave it up to fate. Don't live in black & white or shades of gray; find color. The golden rule is gold for a reason. Never take part in jealousy; Be happy for what others were blessed with. Everyone deserves happiness, don't waste time envying them when you could be finding your own. Love yourself unconditionally or no one else will. You are first and foremost, your own best friend. Find your balance, not just any balance. Pick yourself up every time you fall. Never speak cruely or harsh; kinder tounges get farther in life. Be honest with yourself. Trust instincts, you have them for a reason. Respect every opinion but never fake your own to fit someone else's. Learn to be thankful for the bad because without it, you wouldn't know the good. Always thank your parents, no matter what mistakes they've made. Don't hold grudges, they take away from your time spent living. And above all, stay true to yourself, your beliefs, and always keep faith.

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