Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bottle Up That Sunshine, Dance in the Rain

So, my last post was really... angry. I blame it on the horrible day I was having.
Yes, my money situation is bad. But if anything, I've learned that money isn't everything. Plus, it could be a lot worse. This crunch that I'm in is temporary and I know I'll survive it and there will be better days. And although I get bitter about some of my friends not really being there, I have to be grateful for the few that ARE there. It's hard times like these when you learn who your real friends are, and I am definitely seeing who mine are. And it's funny how the ones who are farthest in distant and the ones I haven't known the longest are the ones here. It really shows that no matter how far away or how long you've known someone, it's their actions that define them as a true friend.
Besides money, good things HAVE been happening. My weight loss is in full swing now and it's going well. I added a ticker to my side margin for anyone who wants to see how much I've lost and such. Also, I do still have my weight loss blog which I love doing. I love having a blog completely dedicated to my weight. It's motivating, really. So if anyone wants to check that out the link is in its own blog entry.
Also, school is going well despite stress. I'm only three weeks in but I'm staying on top of everything and that is an accomplishment. I'm sure my grades will reflect it.
As far as my other, smaller goals, I have kept my word and stuck to those. So really, disregarding my messy financial situation, life really isn't all that bad.
It's these little things, these little rays of sunshine, that I need to hold on to and bottle up. It's those things that are going to get me through the rough days.The storm will pass, and until then I need to learn to dance in it and take it day by day.
No one ever said life was easy, and it's times like these that just make me stronger. One day I am going to look back on these days and be grateful for them because they made me stronger.
I will get through the storm, but until them I'm going to bottle up that sunshine and dance through each day.