Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baby Steps and Alternative Choices

So, I'm writing this blog in between classes/ eating lunch so I apologize if it seems rushed (because it is). I just wanted to do a tinsy little update on things:
I haven't quite JUMPED on my resolutions, BUT don't start tsking me because I'm doing it semi on purpose. If I seriously want to commit and make these changes, I didn't want to start cold turkey especially with the whole weight loss thing since I have tried (and failed) so many times.
I've taken a new approach. Instead of just throwing myself in there I'm taking baby steps-- little alternative choices to replace bad choices.
I haven't been religiously calorie counting or working out, YET. I started by looking more closely at food labels and kind of mentally keeping track of how much I was really eating. Also, I've been walking more to get myself moving. To satisfy my whole sodium thing, I have given up ramen noodles which is a bit painful on my budget but my health is more important at this point. I was eating ramen every day and that sodium is really bad for my body. So instead, I've opted for brown rice and veggies. Also, I've mostly been drinking water, water, green tea, and some more water but that wasn't the hard part since I was already doing that.
Today, however, I am starting back at the gym and using the app to calorie count. I'm anxious to get started so I figure I've given myself enough of a lead in. My goal (ish) is to lose 30 pounds by June 1st because that's my brother's graduation and I'd like to look semi-better. That's about it in the health department.
My sleeping habits haven't really improved that much since I've been sick. And it's so hard to get myself to sleep 7-9 hours a night so I have no clue why I made that a resolution. That will definitely be one of my "well I meant well" goals because I doubt I am going to be so serious about it.
My finances are kind of the same as my health- baby steps. I've started writing in my check register again to keep track of all my spending. I also watch my account closer ( I had stopped checking my balances because I hated seeing how little money I really had). Also, I've started job searching again. I gave up on this back in November after getting no call backs or being hired at the places I did get interviewed. Finding a job is a sucky process because I'm broke and need the money yet I'm having to patiently fill out applications and wait around to be called for interviews. It's exhausting and frustrating. BUT I'm doing it. On other notes:
  •  I have not started writing an hour a day but I'm working my way up to it.
  • I'm doing all right in the friend department as far as I know. I recently took some time out to voluntarily design my friend's save-the-date cards and invitations for her upcoming wedding.
  • The driver's license thing won't happen until June when I make my trip to St. Louis for James' graduation
  • As tempting as it has been (because I like to creep), I have not unblock the toxic people nor do I plan on it.
  • Annnd I'm slowly thinking on post-graduation plans (you'll probably hear a lot more about this later on)
Looking at the big picture, I feel successful. I'm listening to myself and taking what I want into consideration which are things I don't really do.

Lastly, classes have been going great. This semester I am taking:
  • British Literature
  • Biology (my last gen ed, thank god!)
  • Creative Non-Fiction
  • Contemporary Novel (my favorite by far)
  • Abnormal Psyc (which I was excited to have been taking a break from psyc but after the education class I was planning to take was cancelled I opted for psyc, I really like this class so far though so it was a good choice.)
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try to keep updating at least once a week and doing more fun things. I used to want to make this blog more of a serious thing but I've decided it's better as a hobby. So, I'll update when I have things to say.


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