Hello lovelies!
So, my weekend was pretty boring since it's still finals/my friends are trickling out of the college sphere to their hometowns. But a few things did happen...
Friday night I worked (surprised?). But something else happened... I'll come back to that.
Then Saturday morning I worked annnnd Saturday afternoon I worked. Yeah, I wasn't lying when I said I worked a lot.
Saturday night though I convinced my roommate to take a break from studying and we ventured to the other side of town for a late showing of Breaking Dawn part 2. Now, I am not a Twilight megafan. I read the books in high school and I watched the movies because I read the books. Simple. However, my roommate and I have at least manged to see every single one of the movies in theaters together, minus the first one because we were still in high school when it came out. Needless to say it has become tradition.
I'll admit, this one was the best out of all of them, I think. They play around with the ending so if you read the book, you will notice this. I felt like Kirsten Stewart's acting was surprisingly better in this one. Oh and Taylor Lautner strips down which always makes these movies worth the 9.50 I pay to go see them. Anyway, it was my favorite out of the saga.
On Sunday, I worked again and did some reading for my term paper that's due this week. Yeah, not exciting.
Now, back to Friday...
As most of you know, I'm single and quite loving it. So I get to do all that fun stuff like flirt and date and have a bunch of guy friends (friends- I am not running around sharing my who-ha with these guys just fyi). Anyway, after work on Friday, I was out with my dog and one of my neighbors was out and started talking to me. This guy wasn't crazy attractive, but he was all right.
So we were talking and he gave me his number and said he wanted to go out on a date sometime. I didn't have anything to lose so I texted him so he would have my number. Wanna know what this guy who seemed sweet texted back?
"So when can we have sex?"
And not to mention he followed this up with non-stop texting me even when I was ignoring him. It was just lovely.
Yeah, I lost that number immediately.
Note to self: watch out for the crazies.
I hope you all had lovely weekends! Sorry for my lack of pictures, I'm really bad at taking them. Next time, though!
What a freakin' creep. Granted, I have to give him props for not beating around he bush about what he's looking for and/or wants.